Friday, February 28, 2020

Vice President Pence Leads a Coronavirus Task Force Meeting

Editor Note

A silly reporter question asked at question at about 4:40, "who is in charge of th corona task force?"

This female reporter is not that dumb. Her objective seems to have been to offer the notion that Vice President Pence is not in charge of the Corna Virus Task Force.

It is very clear he is in command of the task force and by answering the reporter hack's loaded question he demostrated his control of the task force and the "reporter's" nonsense question.

I suspect the other reporters were going to ask more silly questions like they always do so I was glad to see the herd of reporters stampeded out.

The video has an explaination of where some of the recent viruses have originated and also gives us some insight into chinese eating habits which it have included bats.

The corona virus is suspected to have originated from an animal in china that was also transmitted to a human.

Possibly by eating the animal, they are not sure about the animal that was the cause at this time.

Remember people in china eat animals like dogs and cats also besides bats.

The danger with the corona virus is that it can be transmitted by an animal also and that it is also more deadly than a regular virus like the flu.

Watch the video and learn about the corona virus and other recent virus problems.


The national news media is again deceiving the American public just like the have been since Trump became President.

The current facts the White House corona virus task force are reporting is correct.

The Corona Virus is a POTENTIAL public health risk.

All of the deep state run national media are telling the American public that the Trump Administration is not doing enough, is lieing or that the Corona Virus is more widespread in the US that it actually is as of 2/25/2020.

Should you be prepared Yes.

To be prepaired for anything the first thing you neeed to do is rely on factual information to know what to do.

(1) Go to  COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States and see how many cases are in the US.

(2) Go to  Coronavirus Disease 2019 CDC Current Information About The Corona Virus

(3) Read this blog post:  CORONA VIRUS Protection Measures

(4) Don't rely on the national FAKE deep state news for any information!

Look for a new FREE Roku Channel About the COVID-19 Corona Virus coming soon on

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sarscov2 infects woman in Japan for the second time meaning its bi-phasic

Woman in Japan infected with corona virus a second time.    Foxnews

A woman in Japan tested positive for the coronavirus for the second time on Wednesday, as the country grips with 190 cases separate from the Diamond Princess cruise ship outbreak, according to multiple reports.

The tour bus guide in her 40s first tested positive in late January and was released from the hospital after recovering. She was readmitted after having a sore throat and chest pains, according to the local government.

It's a first known case of a second positive test in Japan, which prompted Health Minister Katsunobu Kato to inform Japan's central government of the need to review previous patient lists and monitor the condition of those previously discharged, according to Reuters.

“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” said Philip Tierno Jr., professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU School of Medicine, according to the news organization.

The virus can reportedly spread without symptoms showing up, which forces officials to play catch up and makes it far more difficult to manage.

Health officials analyzed the implications of a patient testing positive after having an initial recovery. Second positive tests have been reported in China.

“I’m not certain that this is not bi-phasic, having two phases, like anthrax,” Tierno Jr. said in regards to the disease being able to go away before reappearing.


Patients who have recovered from the killer coronavirus can get the SARS-like infection AGAIN, Chinese doctor claims

Patients who recover from China's deadly coronavirus are at risk or relapsing or catching it again, a doctor working in the outbreak has warned.

One of the riskiest elements of the coronavirus is that people have no immunity to it because it's completely new.

And although the body is able to become partly immune to some viruses – like flu – or almost completely immune to others – like chickenpox – reinfections do happen.

The coronavirus gripping China's Hubei province is no exception, according to a doctor in the country's health commission.

Dr Zhan Qingyuan said there is a 'likelihood of relapse' for patients who have recovered from the coronavirus.

'For those patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of a relapse,' Dr Zhan said at a press conference, Chinese media CGTN reported.

'For cured patients, they should also harness their own health safeguards.'

The way people develop immunity to a virus is by creating substances called antibodies – highly specific parts of the immune system which seek out and attack the viruses they are produced to fight.

Dr Zhan added: 'The antibody will be generated. However, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long.'

Can You Get the Flu Twice in One Season?

 During the long flu season months, you could get the flu a second time. 

That’s because—stay with us here—there are four different types of the flu: influenza A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and influenza B cause the seasonal epidemics we've come to expect in the fall and winter, and there are different strains of each.

When you get sick from one particular strain of flu virus, your body develops an immune response that will protect you from getting re-infected with the very same bug. 

"Your likelihood of getting the same flu again is lower," explains Denise Pate. MD, internal medicine physician with Medical Offices of Manhattan. "However, you can become infected with a different strain, and the antibodies you formed from the first bout are not providing protection."

Editor Note

The CDC sys they are working on a corona virus  vaccine but it won't be ready for about 1 year.

This corona virus vaccine I suspect will give you a 50 50 chance of not getting the corona virus just like the 50 50 chance of the worthless yearly flu vaccine drug companies make millions from.

The story about the woman in China is an example of a person getting an infection from another strain of the corona virus.

My best guess is the corona virus will really hit big time during the regular cold and flu season next year.

The CDC corona virus vaccine may be available, but like the flu virus that mutates and makes the vaccine much less effective,  there is a 50 50 chance it will be worthless because of different strains of the mutated corona sarscov2 virus.

China says the death rate from the corona virus is 2% but can you believe them.

If its 2% in China I suspect it will be 1% in the US like the annual flu virus.


Factual information to know what to do.     Read the facts about the Corona Virus.

(1) Go to  COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States and see how many cases are in the US.

(2) Go to  Coronavirus Disease 2019 CDC Current Information About The Corona Virus


Please visit   (FREE Roku Channels)

In the very near future I will include a new FREE private channel about the corona virus or

Also visit     Over 120 FREE Online Calculators


The 5G national cell phone deployment is more of a real threat to your health than the Corona Virus!

5G Cell Kill Grid     EMF/RF   Radiation Dangers

(The modern day equivalent of cigarettes causing cancer in about 15 or 20 years.)

NO FCC Testing before this nationwide deployment of the 5G Kill Grid!

Find out about how the mechanism of  electromagnetic fields harm people’s health and contribute to chronic diseases. EMF's cause excess calcium in cells which causes various health problems including cancer.  EMF's impact the cells of our bodies via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation.

5G activates the voltage-gated calcium channel in the cells of our bodies causing various symptoms and causes of illness.  The 5G Cell Phone Grid is a slow killer about to be deployed nationwide. Learn about it and how to avoid this deadly radiation when possible.

Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid  Roku Channel using this code.  2HTKXMH

Click  this link  this link to go to and install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel.

Learn about the nationwide hazards of 5G and how to protect yourself and your family.

5G Cell Radiation Information   (This is a must read about 5G Cell towers, 5G wi-fi and 5G Cell phone hazards.)

Blue Tooth Hearing Aids  (Blue Tooth hearing aids are like having a cell tower in each ear all the time.)

Tile Tracking Device Finders (Tile trackers affect your heart beat using blue tooth EMF/RF.)

Pulsed EMF/RF is dangerous. 1g,2g,3g,4g and especially 5g is very dangerous.

 (Plused EMF/RF damages your DNA.)

5G damages your DNA  (Your DNA is very sensitive to EMF/RF Radiation.)

RF Protection Scams

Some people will believe almost anything. I remember the lady in the original Parent Trap movie that was tricked into believing that if she hit two sticks together she could keep the bears away in the woods. :)

EMF/RF scammers want you to believe you can keep  dangerous EMF/RF at a safe distance by  "beating two sticks together." Don't you believe it. Its not that simple.

Keep your distance from EMF/RF sources and educate yourself about the dangers of EMF/RF.
There are NO magic cures such as rocks, pendents, protective covers etc.

If it makes you feel better that doesn't mean that the device you purchased for protection really works.

Take the time to verify any radiation protection device you buy first.

RF Exposure iphone

Get A Much Safer Wi-Fi Router    (Reduces RF Radiation 90%)    Everyone should get this wifi router!

(1) You can disable your Wi-Fi with a button on the router.  Just cut the wi-fi off when your not using it.

(2) You can also cut your  router on and off with a button on the router.
(3) You can adjust the power level of this router.
(4) You can adjust the beacon signal down to a safer level.

The beacon signal on other wifi routers is transmitted all the time at  unsafe levels. The beacon signal tells other devices about your wifi router. The default setting is sending the beacon signal out every 1 sec or 1000ms on this safer router.

(The range of  routers can be from 1 - 65535.    65535 would be transmitting the beacon signal about 65 times a second. The beacon signal is what is most dangerous to your health!)

I set my beacon signal at 30 or .03ms  which is 1 beacon every 3 hundredths of a second and it works just fine.  The lower the beacon signal the better.

Using a cellphone upside your head is similar to someone who smokes    (Let Me Explain.)

Stream Zones Additional Channels

The government deep state nor other government agencies are telling you the truth about the dangers of the national 5G deployment of cell phone towers and their dangerous local health radiation hazards!

This is because its big cash cow to those inside and outside the government.

These people don't care about the health hazards of 5G they only want to make money at your heal expense.

They are to STUPID to care or know that they themselves are going to also fell the short trm and long term effects of gigzhertz pulsed radiation in close proximity to their own body.    FREE Roku Channels

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dueling Corona Virus Press Conferences On Feb 25 2020

Look for a new FREE Roku Channel About the COVID-19 Corona Virus coming soon on

White House coronavirus task force holds a briefing on the outbreak – 2/25/2020 Real News


Editor Note
The "deep state",  people in government agencies that oppose President Trump, are using FAKE news again to deceive the American public.

FAKE news can be all fake or a combination of fake and semi real news.

The White House corona virus task force is REAL news.  2/25/2020

The "deep" state is promoting another FAKE news story.

This time its about the Corona Virus.

On 2/24/2020 Dr. Nancy Messonnier, an official in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), held a conference call with media and pushed a panic narrative around the Coronvirus that ran counter to the Trump administration.

What makes the statements by Dr. Messonnier even more interesting is the fact she is the only sister of former DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Dr. Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (link) spoke to  reporters on a conference call with media.

The alarming message from Dr. Messonnier was quickly picked up by most major news organizations and pushed into all reporting on the issue.

The tone of the alarm is also counter to the message of the Trump administration and HHS Secretary Alex Azar, as outlined in a press conference with leadership from U.S. Health and Human Services.

Odd Coincidence – Rogue CDC Official Pushing Coronavirus Panic Button is Rod Rosenstein’s Sister


The national news media is again deceiving the American public just like the have been since Trump became President.

The current facts the White House corona virus task force are reporting is correct.

The Corona Virus is a POTENTIAL public health risk.

All of the deep state run national media are telling the American public that the Trump Administration is not doing enough, is lieing or that the Corona Virus is more widespread in the US that it actually is as of 2/25/2020.

Should you be prepared Yes.

To be prepaired for anything the first thing you neeed to do is rely on factual information to know what to do.

(1) Go to  COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States and see how many cases are in the US.

(2) Go to  Coronavirus Disease 2019 CDC Current Information About The Corona Virus

(3) Read this blog post:  CORONA VIRUS Protection Measures

(4) Don't rely on the national FAKE deep state news for any information!


COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States       Click link for  CURRENT CASES Daily.

As Of 2/24/2020

Travel related 12


(In The Entire US there is only 2 person to person cases reported!)  as of 2/24/2020.

Total confirmed cases 14  as of 2/24/2020.
Total tested 426  as of 2/24/2020.

Tested Positive 3 from Wuhan, China

Diamond Princess Cruise Ship 36

Thats a grand total of 5 known cases of the covid 19 corona virus confirmed in the United States.

Thats right JUST 5 cases in the US as of 2/24/2019.

Listening to the natioanl FAKE news media hype you would think there were corona virus cases all over the US.


Look for a new FREE Roku Channel About the COVID-19 Corona Virus coming soon on


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests facial hair be kept to a minimum so it fits within a facepiece respirator.

Side whiskers, soul patches, lampshades and handlebar mustaches are good to go, according to
CDC infographic. But styles like a stubble, beard, Dali and mutton chops, are not recommended because they are likely to interfere with a facepiece respirator.

Facial hair poses a risk to the effectiveness of respirators because it may keep the exhalation valve from working properly if the two come into contact, the infographic said.

No matter the style choice, the hair should not cross the respirator sealing surface, the infographic said.


A user seal check may be accomplished by using the procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the respirator. This information can be found on the box or individual respirator packaging.

There are positive and negative pressure seal checks and not every respirator can be checked using both. You should refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for conducting user seal checks on any specific respirator.

The following positive and negative user seal check procedures for filtering facepiece respirators are provided as examples of how to perform these procedures.

Positive pressure check  with respirator without a exhalation valve.

Once the particulate respirator is properly donned (put on), put your hands over the facepiece, covering as much surface area as possible. Exhale gently into the facepiece.

The face fit is considered satisfactory if a slight positive pressure is being built up inside the facepiece without any evidence of outward leakage of air at the seal.

Examples of such evidence would be the feeling of air trickling onto the your face along the seal of the facepiece, fogging of your glasses, or a lack of pressure being built up inside the facepiece.

Negative pressure check with respirator exhalation valve.

If the particulate respirator has an exhalation valve, then performing a positive pressure check may be impossible. If so, then do a negative pressure check.

Negative pressure check – Negative pressure seal checks are conducted on particulate respirators that have exhalation valves.

To conduct a negative pressure user seal check, cover the filter surface with your hands as much as possible and then inhale.

The facepiece should collapse on your face and you should not feel air passing between your face and the facepiece.

Once a fit test has been done to determine the best model and size of respirator for a particular user, a user seal check should be done by the user every time the respirator is to be worn to ensure an adequate seal is achieved.

(Think of your respirator as if it was a gas mask. When wearing a gas mask a seal check is a must.)

A seal check is a must every time your respirator is worn.


If the respirator is not sealed on your face you might as well not be wearing it!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Can wearing a face mask protect you from the corona virus?

Dueling Corona Virus Press Conferences On Feb 25 2020   Update

No, a regular surgical mask will not help you steer clear of the cornna virus, covid-19, sars-cov-2.

If it's a regular surgical face mask, the answer is "no," Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious-disease specialist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, has stated.

A more specialized mask, known as an N95 respirator, can protect against the new coronavirus, also called 2019-nCoV. The respirator is thicker than a surgical mask, but Schaffner doesn't recommend it for public use, at least not at this point.

That's because, in part, it's challenging to put these masks on and wear them for long periods of time, he said.

Specialists receive retraining annually on how to properly fit these respirators around the nose, cheeks and chin, ensuring that wearers don't breathe around the edges of the respirator. "When you do that, it turns out that the work of breathing, since you're going through a very thick material, is harder. You have to work to breathe in and out.

How to Wear an N95 Face Mask    (This is a must Read!)

Surgical masks

The thinner surgical mask is intended for surgeons, because these products do a good job of keeping pathogens from the doctor's nose and mouth from entering the surgical field, Schaffner said.

In some Asian countries, such as Japan and China, it's not uncommon to see people wearing surgical masks in public to protect against pathogens and pollution. But those masks don't help much in the context of a virus, Schaffner said. "They're not designed to keep out viral particles, and they're not nearly as tightly fitted around your nose and cheeks," as an N95 respirator, he said.

"Could they be of some use? Yes, but the effect is likely to be modest," Schaffner said.

He noted that some people wear surgical masks because they are sick with a cold or the flu and they don't want to get other people sick. But if you're sick, it's best just not to go to public areas. "That's the time to stay home," Schaffner said.

You should thoroughly wash your hands; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; avoid close contact with people who are sick; and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

As for pet owners putting face masks on their dogs, there's no evidence that dogs can even catch the coronavirus, so "you don't need to do that," Schaffner said.


NIOSH-Approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)  -  Coronavirus Disease 2019 Current Information


Editor Note

If you have not got some N95 masks for yourself or family you should not wait to do so.

Why? Because the national FAKE news media is causing a pandemic run on N95 face masks that can protect against the Corona Virus if and when it ever becomes a problem in the US.

Don't wait because they are selling like hot cakes at most places because of the FAKE media hype.

The N95 must be an approved NIOSH mask or it won't filter out the 95% of tiny particles on a scale of 0.0001 inches or (.03 microns in diameter.)

N95 respirators are designed to filter out virus particles but surgical masks are not.

Don't buy a surgical mask to protect yourself against the corona virus.

If and when this virus starts to infect more people in the US these N95 Masks will be harder to find and of course some stores will take advantage of this by increasing the price.

You will need to wear an N95 mask if you go out in the public if the virus spreads to your area.

As of 2/25/2020 there are ONLY 2 cases in the entire US that are confirmed cases of the Corona Virus being spread from person to person!!!!

Read the posts below.

Dueling Corona Virus Press Conferences On Feb 25 2020


Children under 17 should not wear this mask nor should certain others that have breathing problems.

I am going out today to buy a few more N95 masks because I think they could be needed by me and my family in the  future. I am not relying on FAKE news hype to be motivated to do this.

It is only a reasonable precaution for the future.  I don't believe the FAKE news media hype because I know the facts.

Factual information to know what to do.     Read the facts about the Corona Virus.

(1) Go to  COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States and see how many cases are in the US.

(2) Go to  Coronavirus Disease 2019 CDC Current Information About The Corona Virus


Please visit   (FREE Roku Channels)

In the very near future I will include a new FREE private channel about the corona virus or

Also visit     Over 120 FREE Online Calculators


The 5G national cell phone deployment is more of a real threat to your health than the Corona Virus!

5G Cell Kill Grid     EMF/RF   Radiation Dangers

(The modern day equivalent of cigarettes causing cancer in about 15 or 20 years.)

NO FCC Testing before this nationwide deployment of the 5G Kill Grid!

Find out about how the mechanism of  electromagnetic fields harm people’s health and contribute to chronic diseases. EMF's cause excess calcium in cells which causes various health problems including cancer.  EMF's impact the cells of our bodies via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation.

5G activates the voltage-gated calcium channel in the cells of our bodies causing various symptoms and causes of illness.  The 5G Cell Phone Grid is a slow killer about to be deployed nationwide. Learn about it and how to avoid this deadly radiation when possible.

Install the 5G Cell Kill Grid  Roku Channel using this code.  2HTKXMH

Click  this link  this link to go to and install the FREE 5G Cell Kill Grid Roku Channel.

Learn about the nationwide hazards of 5G and how to protect yourself and your family.

5G Cell Radiation Information   (This is a must read about 5G Cell towers, 5G wi-fi and 5G Cell phone hazards.)

Blue Tooth Hearing Aids  (Blue Tooth hearing aids are like having a cell tower in each ear all the time.)

Tile Tracking Device Finders (Tile trackers affect your heart beat using blue tooth EMF/RF.)

Pulsed EMF/RF is dangerous. 1g,2g,3g,4g and especially 5g is very dangerous.

 (Plused EMF/RF damages your DNA.)

5G damages your DNA  (Your DNA is very sensitive to EMF/RF Radiation.)

RF Protection Scams

Some people will believe almost anything. I remember the lady in the original Parent Trap movie that was tricked into believing that if she hit two sticks together she could keep the bears away in the woods. :)

EMF/RF scammers want you to believe you can keep  dangerous EMF/RF at a safe distance by  "beating two sticks together." Don't you believe it. Its not that simple.

Keep your distance from EMF/RF sources and educate yourself about the dangers of EMF/RF.
There are NO magic cures such as rocks, pendents, protective covers etc.

If it makes you feel better that doesn't mean that the device you purchased for protection really works.

Take the time to verify any radiation protection device you buy first.

RF Exposure iphone

Get A Much Safer Wi-Fi Router    (Reduces RF Radiation 90%)    Everyone should get this wifi router!

(1) You can disable your Wi-Fi with a button on the router.  Just cut the wi-fi off when your not using it.

(2) You can also cut your  router on and off with a button on the router.
(3) You can adjust the power level of this router.
(4) You can adjust the beacon signal down to a safer level.

The beacon signal on other wifi routers is transmitted all the time at  unsafe levels. The beacon signal tells other devices about your wifi router. The default setting is sending the beacon signal out every 1 sec or 1000ms on this safer router.

(The range of  routers can be from 1 - 65535.    65535 would be transmitting the beacon signal about 65 times a second. The beacon signal is what is most dangerous to your health!)

I set my beacon signal at 30 or .03ms  which is 1 beacon every 3 hundredths of a second and it works just fine.  The lower the beacon signal the better.

Using a cellphone upside your head is similar to someone who smokes    (Let Me Explain.)

Stream Zones Additional Channels

The government deep state nor other government agencies are telling you the truth about the dangers of the national 5G deployment of cell phone towers and their dangerous local health radiation hazards!

This is because its big cash cow to those inside and outside the government.

These people don't care about the health hazards of 5G they only want to make money at your heal expense.

They are to STUPID to care or know that they themselves are going to also fell the short trm and long term effects of gigzhertz pulsed radiation in close proximity to their own body.    FREE Roku Channels

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests facial hair be kept to a minimum so it fits within a facepiece respirator.

Side whiskers, soul patches, lampshades and handlebar mustaches are good to go, according to
CDC infographic. But styles like a stubble, beard, Dali and mutton chops, are not recommended because they are likely to interfere with a facepiece respirator.

Facial hair poses a risk to the effectiveness of respirators because it may keep the exhalation valve from working properly if the two come into contact, the infographic said.

No matter the style choice, the hair should not cross the respirator sealing surface, the infographic said.


A user seal check may be accomplished by using the procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the respirator. This information can be found on the box or individual respirator packaging.

There are positive and negative pressure seal checks and not every respirator can be checked using both. You should refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for conducting user seal checks on any specific respirator.

The following positive and negative user seal check procedures for filtering facepiece respirators are provided as examples of how to perform these procedures.

Positive pressure check  with respirator without a exhalation valve.

Once the particulate respirator is properly donned (put on), put your hands over the facepiece, covering as much surface area as possible. Exhale gently into the facepiece.

The face fit is considered satisfactory if a slight positive pressure is being built up inside the facepiece without any evidence of outward leakage of air at the seal.

Examples of such evidence would be the feeling of air trickling onto the your face along the seal of the facepiece, fogging of your glasses, or a lack of pressure being built up inside the facepiece.

Negative pressure check with respirator exhalation valve.

If the particulate respirator has an exhalation valve, then performing a positive pressure check may be impossible. If so, then do a negative pressure check.

Negative pressure check – Negative pressure seal checks are conducted on particulate respirators that have exhalation valves.

To conduct a negative pressure user seal check, cover the filter surface with your hands as much as possible and then inhale.

The facepiece should collapse on your face and you should not feel air passing between your face and the facepiece.

Once a fit test has been done to determine the best model and size of respirator for a particular user, a user seal check should be done by the user every time the respirator is to be worn to ensure an adequate seal is achieved.

(Think of your respirator as if it was a gas mask. When wearing a gas mask a seal check is a must.)

A seal check is a must every time your respirator is worn.


If the respirator is not sealed on your face you might as well not be wearing it!